Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Still No Wifi

Oh gosh. I’m so bad about updating this right now. I promise it’s because of the fact that I STILL don’t have wifi! Talk about frustrating. But hopefully it will be repaired soon, and then I promise updates every day! Okay, where did I leave off last time… Oh yeah, Friday night.
Okay, well Saturday morning I got up and went to the beach with Cassandra. She came and picked me up (such a great friend!) since my truck was dead. Oh, apparently my truck has a name – Carry – that Kryptonite Boy (more about him some other time), gave to it two years ago, without telling me. Kryptonite boy has popped back up, with a few oddly timed texts, but I haven’t seen him in over a year. Did see his girlfriend today though. But that’s another, and very long, story. The beach was awesome, I found out an old friend (and old flame) was in town for the weekend. So I got to see him (strictly on a friends basis, that attraction is way way over). Good times. Beach Boy came and hung out with me all day. It was good to chat. He’s like a puppy. As soon as my attention is elsewhere he starts flipping out. It’s mildly amusing. Can’t decide if it’s endearing or annoying as hell. I feel like it may start out as the first, and move towards the latter. But after my old friend and Cassandra both peaced out, it was just me and him. And he was very inquisitive. He told me how “intrigued” he was by me, and how he had no idea why he couldn’t read me. Cuz I’m stone cold, bitch. Ahhhah! He made some weird comment about trust, and I made the mistake of mentioning that I don’t trust people, and he asked me about it for like 30 minutes, even though I made it very obvious he wasn’t getting any information on the subject. I actually repeated “its none of your business”. Which it isn’t. That shit’s on a need to know basis. He had a weird cut thing on his lip that looked a lot like a cold sore, and my friend kept texting me not to get herpes, but I asked, and he said it was a pimple that he cut shaving or something stupid. Whatever, wasn’t planning on kissing him anyways. And he was under the impression that you could only get herpes on your lips from going down on a girl. A little worried about his education on STD’s. If any of y’all have questions, feel free to ask. I did tell him I would go to dinner with him this week, but I was scheduled to work almost every day, and I have a test this weekend, so that’s not gunna happen. While I was with him, I saw Pilot Boy, who gave me a hug, and shook Beach Boy’s hand. It was beyond awkward. He then texted me and then informed me that his day would be better if I came and hung out with him. Fat chance. Yuck. Haven’t talked to him since. No thanks.
Sat night I went to where I work to hang out with my old friend. It was okay, but he was drunk and really annoying. While I was getting ready to go there, Marine Man texted me. Which was exciting. He wants to hang out, but he also informed me he will be leaving in 3 weeks. Which sucks. But hey, such is life. I then worked Sunday morning, and didn’t hear from anyone. My fathers day sucked. But, that was to be expected. I think my dad has a gf. He was like in some hurry to get back to where he is living, when he could have been spending it with my 8 year old brother. He’s such an ass.
I got my truck back Monday, and worked Monday night. I made okay money, but otherwise it was uneventful. Today I went and saw my horse, and went to VS and the bookstore. Got the second and third shades of grey books. So excited to read them after this test is over and I get caught up. I bought TWO bikinis at VS and spent 100 bucks. Which I shouldn’t have done, but I couldn’t decide and they were both so cute, and fit me perfectly – which with my lack of curves, is hard to find. We then went to the beach all day, came home, napped, and went back to the beach for a low key concert thing with my mom. It was a good time. And now I’m studying – or rather taking a break from it. Marine Man just texted me, and I’m seeing him tomorrow night at the bar where we met. Should be interesting. He’s very flirty. He’ll prob have his tongue down some blondes throat when I show up, a la pilot boy. Oh, and Beach Boy wants to study Thurs night since I cant do dinner. Um, no. I will get nothing done. Not that I’m getting anything done right now. And on that note… I need to get to studying Physiology. Toodles!

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