Thursday, July 26, 2012

Part 2/2 - Love Life Update

Alright, the one that most of you have been waiting for. I know it will probably disappoint, sorry if it does!
Okay, so Marine Man was the issue I left off with last, correct? Well. I wasn’t able to hang out with him Tuesday or Wednesday because of work and studying. But, Thursday rolled around, and he called me right before work, and he had been chained, or whatever, so he had to leave for his new base that night. I was pretty sad. Not going to lie. He repeatedly asked me if I could just go with him. But obviously that just wasn’t happening. We texted a bit that night. He was cute, blah blah blah, and I tried to call him when I got off with no answer. It was a little strange. But get this I HAVENT HEARD FROM HIM SINCE THEN!!! Like what in the actual fuck? I even texted him a few days later just to be polite and make sure he got there okay. And no answer. Like, um, rude! Now I’m totally fine with it, cuz where would it have gone, anyways?
I met my cousins live in boyfriend for the first time that Sunday (the 15th), he was cute, but definitely not the Greek God she had been describing him as. But I did overhear them talking about how they had “let themselves go” since they had been dating (about 2 years now), and it grossed me out. Like, you’re 25 years old! And you’re letting yourself go? I’m sorry, but no. I just think that’s stupid. Absolutely stupid. Granted I look the way I look naturally, and because I am a busy bee, but still, I do it for me, and I will NEVER “let myself go” because of some guy, and I hope to God a guy I’m with wouldn’t do it because of me.
In the OR for the first time I met a scrub tech, and he was super nice, maybe even cute, but he was obviously wearing a mask the whole time. I don’t think he’s summer fling material, but he’s super nice, and definitely friend material!
All week I was kind of busy. I have started bonding with another server at work, whose in nursing school, because we have the same kind of schedule and demands. I am not one of those future doctors who looks down on nurses. I respect them. They do stuff that I definitely wouldn’t ever want to do. And as a doctor in army wives said “Good doctors learn to recognize good nurses and use them as a resource.” But he’s definitely really cute, and we chat a lot when we work together.
Sunday was my friends going away party for medical school. I drank too much, his dad said something about my dad, and made me super super upset, go figure. There was also a guy there who was flirting with me the whole time. He was really cute, just too short for my likings. But when I woke up the next morning before the OR I had a message on my facebook that said “You’re the first girl who legitimately looks better in person than in your facebook pictures.” I was like, awwww.
But I also felt like shit, made myself throw up, took some Excedrin migraine, five hour energy, and coffee, all before being in the OR at 730. Rough morning… oh! And I somehow chipped my tooth (really tinily) on the five hour energy bottle. Go fucking figure. But that’s what I get for drinking too much, and letting an ignorant man upset me.
Tuesday night, like I said, I worked, made some money, chatted with Nurse Boy, and then got super sick. So all I did yesterday was lay in bed. Same today, except now I’m trying to study, since I have a pharmacotherapy test tomorrow.
But on the side, I did reconnect with a guy I was friends with back in high school, we’ll all him Mr. Blue Eyes. We met at a leadership seminar in Arkansas, and he’s from Alabama. I always thought he was cute, he has the most amazing blue eyes- hence the name - but he had a long term girlfriend (who he just broke up with). He’s also pre med, and is outrageously smart. We talk a lot now, via text, since we have so much in common. I don’t know if he is coming down to visit or not. But I definitely wouldn’t be against it!
Finally, I still talk to Canadian Boy all the time. We flirt. All the time. And he’s perfect. And we should have babies. And that is all.
Sorry my love life is kind of boring. Is there anything y’all need me to clear up? or anybody I need to talk more about?!  I haven’t been focusing too much on boys lately with everything else going on! Comment about anything! Y’all know the drill!

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