Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Car?

Well, I had to go to a doctor that is “workers comp” certified before I can go back to work. So I headed out there today, walked in and BOOM. Literally jammed full of sick people. And they wanted me to wait TWO hours for a doctor too look at my thumb. Um, all they’re doing is checking to make sure there is no infection. HELLO! I’m a med kid, I think I can tell if my thumb is fucking infected. It’s not. But anyways, I made an appointment for Thursday at 11 am. So I can’t work til after that. After I left there I decided to go car shopping! I’ve pretty much decided that I am going to buy a car. One, because my two younger brothers and mother are moving up to about 30 minutes from my school, and I want to be able to go see them whenever I want, especially to go to the boys baseball and hockey games. And two, because I want to be that much more out of my fathers grip.
Well I went to two used car dealerships. And both were really nice. But I’m in the deep south, and it’s really hard to find a good four wheel or all wheel drive small SUV or truck for a decent price. People just don’t need 4WD down here with no snow. But I definitely will when I get back up to Minnesota. But I did find a really nice Jeep Grand Cherokee Overlander that’s 4WD, and is way under blue book price, and I drove it and loved it. But it’s still 15.9K, and that’s a LOT of money for a college kid. But I feel like I would rather spend some money, and get a car I can drive for the next 10 or so years, than get something super cheap and have no idea on its safety, etc. and how long it will last. So I’m going to take my mom and go look at it before my appointment on Thursday.
Another good thing – I’m finally getting my phone fixed. The back has been shattered since the end of March, and the front since mid May. I’m so excited. I also bought one of those Lifeproof cases. So hopefully it will stay fixed. So I spent a good 235 bucks today on my phone. Kill me now.
Hopefully I get cleared to work on Thursday, and then I can work doubles Friday/Sat/Sun, cuz I need money – especially if I wanna buy a car. But right now I’m waiting for my phone, and studying, and watching a friends baseball game online. I have to say, I don’t know shit about baseball. But I mean, I guess it’s kinda cool? I def don’t have the hand eye coordination to hit a ball going that fast with a bat.
My thumb looks disgusting. Beyond disgusting. Again, pictures on my twitter (@_Singlegirlswag) and my instagram (which I can’t really remember the username for, but I do believe it’s the same). If any of y’all have any good advice about cars and stuff like that, please let me know. I am now going to go back to reading about drugs used to treat infectious diseases. Yay! (It’s actually REALLY interesting! I love pharmacology!) OH! And I got my email for my online orientation for working in the hospital! Definitely finishing that tonight! Can’t waitttt! Hope everyone’s doing well!

1 comment:

  1. That's what I did! I bought a more expensive car but I'll be able to drive it for a longggg time. Totally worth it in my opinion. I hope the thumb is doing better!
