Sunday, July 29, 2012

Names Names Names

So I entitled this blog entry “Names”. Why? Because well, lets be real, peoples names are important. When I hear a guys names, there are certain names I hear that I immediately go “well they have to be sexy with that name” or “ew, they’re going to be an asshole.” Now do I really judge a person based on a name? No! But I mean, it does give me some kind of feel. Like the name Chris? I hate it. I feel like they’re going to be a complete asshole. The name Cameron? Sexy FOR sure. So I posed a question on my twitter (@_SingleGirlSwag) to find out who you guys thought were the sexiest names. And I entered two myself (but I will obviously be keeping those secret). Some I thought were good entries, some I thought were weird. So here is my comments on the names entered so far (and the votes as of 1:56 pm central time).

1.     Josh (5): I mean. I like this name. It’s alright. It doesn’t spur any “oh he’s going to be sexy” in my mind. I actually assume this guy is going to be young. But it isn’t a name I would avoid. I know one very sexy josh.
2.     Isaac (2): This is definitely one of my favorites on the list. I love this name. Maybe because of Isaac Newton (yes we all know I’m a nerd). It just screams smart and sexy. I would definitely be fine dating an Isaac. I can just picture a hulking hottie with glasses on laying in my bed…. Wooooh. I’m surprised it only has 2 votes!
3.     Landon (14): Alright, who DOESN’T think this is a sexy ass name? I mean, I automatically think of Landon Carter from A Walk To Remember, and everyone knows he was sexy and sweet and smart and… okay I have to stop, I’m starting to sweat….
4.     Dominic (1): Meh, this one doesn’t do anything for me. At all.
5.     Sebastian (3): Maybe I’m immature, but it reminds me of the crab from The Little Mermaid. No thanks.
6.     Rollins (3): Kinda reminds me of a last name, more than a first name. I mean, I could deal with it. I would expect him to be rich and classy, obviously
7.     Carter (5): I like this one. I knew a Carter when I was young who was really cute. I mean, It’s kinda a neutral name for me.
8.     Maison (4): I’ve never seen Maison spelled this way, I’ve only ever seen it spelled Mason, which I LOVE. Totally a sexy name in my mind. I knew a Mason as a kid who looked like Ashton Kutcher… They also said we looked like brother and sister.. does that mean I look like ashton kutcher?! AHHHH!
9.      Ty/Tyler (11): Another top one. I like it. I like Tyler more than Ty. I knew a Tyrus in high school who went by Ty, and he was white. And it just didn’t add up in my mind. But I definitely like Tyler. Super cute.
10. Johnny (2): Definitely not for me. I know the person who entered it was thinking Johnny Depp, but still. No thanks!
11. James (7): I do love James. Who doesn’t? I also think of James Potter… whoops.
12. Ryan (9): I always liked Ryan, until I met one who didn’t impress me. I know I shouldn’t judge all names by one person, but ugh. He kinda ruined it for me.
13. Jake (10): I like the name Jake, but I have a brother like figure named Jake, so I don’t think I could date a Jake.
14. Topher (1): Reminds me of the name Chris, so that’s a no.
15. Aiden (4): Other than the awful use of this name in the Ring, I love it. I have always loved it.
16. Austin (5): Great name. I love this one. Always have.
17. Wes (3): This name just screams sex to me. But only shortened. Wesley doesn’t do anything for me. But wes? I picture a tall, muscley, football player…. Yum.
18. Sean (1): I can’t believe this one has only one vote, especially after this last season of the Bachelorette, and the sexiness that was Sean.
19. Tanner (7): I have mixed feelings on this one. I feel like it should be a bulky, sexy guy, but the only Tanner I’ve ever known was skinny, and not cute at all. Go figure.
20. Cole (3): I like this one. Have never met one. But it does kind of remind me of the guy on mighty ducks who was on the bad team? But he was hot…
21. Drew (2): No thanks. Not my thing. Could be, maybe. But he’d have to be perfect.
22. Nate (5): Another one I am surprised only has 5 votes. I love love love the name Nathan/Nate. So hot. Just screams it.
23. Dante (1): Nope. This is a wtf name for me. Just no.
24. Damien (3): You better be a tall glass of hot chocolate to be named Damien. It has the potential for maaaajor sex appeal. But you better be about 6’4”, perfect milk chocolate skin, muscles everywhere, and have a Harvard law degree to make it work.
25. Aaron (3): I feel like this name went out back in the 90’s?
26. Alex (4): I like this name more for a girl than a guy…
27. Channing (7): Channing Tatum, Magic Mike….’nuff said!
28. Kyle (2): I like Kyle. I think Kyle deserves more than 2 votes!

So those are the names that have been entered so far. But I have to say. We are missing some really good ones! Like Michael, Matthew, Cameron, Eric, Derrick, Adrian, Gavin, Justin, Kayden, Nick, Spencer… Come on people! What do y’all think, are the sexiest 10 names in this list we have up there? I think we’re definitely missing some really good ones! If you want to submit or vote, comment here, email me, or go on twitter (@_SingleGirlSwag) and tweet at me! I will be publishing a top 10, top 5, and number one list over the next week or two! I obviously shouldn’t be doing this, I should be doing my research project…whoops! 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Part 2/2 - Love Life Update

Alright, the one that most of you have been waiting for. I know it will probably disappoint, sorry if it does!
Okay, so Marine Man was the issue I left off with last, correct? Well. I wasn’t able to hang out with him Tuesday or Wednesday because of work and studying. But, Thursday rolled around, and he called me right before work, and he had been chained, or whatever, so he had to leave for his new base that night. I was pretty sad. Not going to lie. He repeatedly asked me if I could just go with him. But obviously that just wasn’t happening. We texted a bit that night. He was cute, blah blah blah, and I tried to call him when I got off with no answer. It was a little strange. But get this I HAVENT HEARD FROM HIM SINCE THEN!!! Like what in the actual fuck? I even texted him a few days later just to be polite and make sure he got there okay. And no answer. Like, um, rude! Now I’m totally fine with it, cuz where would it have gone, anyways?
I met my cousins live in boyfriend for the first time that Sunday (the 15th), he was cute, but definitely not the Greek God she had been describing him as. But I did overhear them talking about how they had “let themselves go” since they had been dating (about 2 years now), and it grossed me out. Like, you’re 25 years old! And you’re letting yourself go? I’m sorry, but no. I just think that’s stupid. Absolutely stupid. Granted I look the way I look naturally, and because I am a busy bee, but still, I do it for me, and I will NEVER “let myself go” because of some guy, and I hope to God a guy I’m with wouldn’t do it because of me.
In the OR for the first time I met a scrub tech, and he was super nice, maybe even cute, but he was obviously wearing a mask the whole time. I don’t think he’s summer fling material, but he’s super nice, and definitely friend material!
All week I was kind of busy. I have started bonding with another server at work, whose in nursing school, because we have the same kind of schedule and demands. I am not one of those future doctors who looks down on nurses. I respect them. They do stuff that I definitely wouldn’t ever want to do. And as a doctor in army wives said “Good doctors learn to recognize good nurses and use them as a resource.” But he’s definitely really cute, and we chat a lot when we work together.
Sunday was my friends going away party for medical school. I drank too much, his dad said something about my dad, and made me super super upset, go figure. There was also a guy there who was flirting with me the whole time. He was really cute, just too short for my likings. But when I woke up the next morning before the OR I had a message on my facebook that said “You’re the first girl who legitimately looks better in person than in your facebook pictures.” I was like, awwww.
But I also felt like shit, made myself throw up, took some Excedrin migraine, five hour energy, and coffee, all before being in the OR at 730. Rough morning… oh! And I somehow chipped my tooth (really tinily) on the five hour energy bottle. Go fucking figure. But that’s what I get for drinking too much, and letting an ignorant man upset me.
Tuesday night, like I said, I worked, made some money, chatted with Nurse Boy, and then got super sick. So all I did yesterday was lay in bed. Same today, except now I’m trying to study, since I have a pharmacotherapy test tomorrow.
But on the side, I did reconnect with a guy I was friends with back in high school, we’ll all him Mr. Blue Eyes. We met at a leadership seminar in Arkansas, and he’s from Alabama. I always thought he was cute, he has the most amazing blue eyes- hence the name - but he had a long term girlfriend (who he just broke up with). He’s also pre med, and is outrageously smart. We talk a lot now, via text, since we have so much in common. I don’t know if he is coming down to visit or not. But I definitely wouldn’t be against it!
Finally, I still talk to Canadian Boy all the time. We flirt. All the time. And he’s perfect. And we should have babies. And that is all.
Sorry my love life is kind of boring. Is there anything y’all need me to clear up? or anybody I need to talk more about?!  I haven’t been focusing too much on boys lately with everything else going on! Comment about anything! Y’all know the drill!

Part 1/2, The Medical Update

So I suck. I know you must all hate me. I don’t even know where to begin. I’ve just been so busy and therefore exhausted, that I haven’t had the time or the energy to blog. I really do apologize. I’m going to separate this into two updates. One for a social life update. One for a work/medical update. This is the latter.
That Monday (the 16th) was my first day in the operating room observing Dr. H. It was the MOST AMAZING THING EVER. I was born to be a surgeon. I just can’t even explain it. It’s so amazing. I was so blessed. I got to see 8 surgeries. The first was a Left femoral exposure with superficial femoral artery atherectomy/PTA/Stent, but I wasn’t very confident, so I rally didn’t get to see much. The second was a minor procedure that they had to do in the hospital because of insurance, but it was just a L greater saphenous vein ablasion. The third one was the one that really got me. It was just a left femoral popliteal bypass revision. But Dr. H called me over and let me really look at the femoral artery. And I could see it beating, and it is so much bigger than you would expect. And I think that’s the moment I fell in love. I just can’t even explain it. Then we saw a Right Carotid endarterectomy, which was crazy. Dr. H cut open a guys carotid artery, and cleaned it out, and patched it up. Like AMAZING. You think of a carotid artery getting cut open and you think death, but there was any blood, AT ALL. The next case was an emergency case on an old lady with blood clots in her leg ( L femoral thrombectomy), again really cool. Then was the longest and coolest of the day. An Abdominal Aortal bifemoral bypass. Literally pulled this ladies guts out, cut out a piece of her aorta, and attached it to a tube, and then attached the tube to both of her femoral arteries. So cool. We then saw two femoral endarterectomies, one of them with an iliac stent. Just amazing. Last Dr. H had to clean up some dude’s nasty toe. It was gross. Infected and stuff. We didn’t leave the operating room until like 830, and we had been there since 7:30 that morning. I don’t think I’ve ever stood still for so long in my life. It was so fascinating. Dr. H told me I could go home around 6 pm (after the bypass), but I didn’t want to leave until he did, I felt like that wasn’t cool. So I waited, and went to go visit all the patients after his last surgery with him. It was amazing. I seriously seriously loved it all.
I didn’t go back to the hospital until Wednesday, which is when I learned about our research I was going to be doing. Data collection. Super boring, and a LOT TO DO, but I will get my name in two papers, so I definitely cant complain. And that’s what I did wed-fri. All day. Everyday.
That Monday (the 23rd) I got to meet one of Dr. H’s new partners, Dr. M. Dr.M is straight out of her fellowship and is a FEMALE surgeon. Dr. H said he hired her just so I would have someone to look up to J I love talking to female surgeons! And she’s only like 32 so she’s a lot easier to relate to then the 50 some odd year old surgeons in Dr. H’s practice!
 This Monday I go to see two Abdominal Aorta Aneurism endovascular repairs. Which are legit like playing video games. So cool. And then another carotid endarterectomy, another abdominal aortal bifermoral bypass, and a new one in a femoral-anterial tibeal bypass. Which was super cool too. But the big news this Monday was that I met another one of Dr. H’s partners, Dr. K, and he asked me to write an abstract and present it on his new method to a procedure, of which he is the only surgeon in the country to do! I’m super excited! I then got to see him perform that surgery (Cryovein for DRIL), and then an above the knee amputation. Super cool. Its always interesting to see the differences between surgeons. I’ve now gotten to see Dr. H, Dr. M, and Dr. K perform surgeries, although I haven’t seen Dr. M do one by herself yet, since she’s new. It was a LONG day though, I didn’t get home until like 11 pm. But it was an amazing day. That’s for sure.
Tuesday I went back in to do some research, par norm. And got to see a basilic AV fistula and a below the knee amputation with Dr. K, all before I ran to dinner with my mom at a fancy restaurant. And I forgot to take off my scrub cap. Embarassing.
And then there was work. I had all of two tables, made like 50 bucks, ate some dinner, and got SUPER sick. Of which I am still sick.
Thankfully I got a computer from the doctors, so I can do my research from home, since I am still sick. They said somethings been going around the office, and it takes 3-6 days to clear up. Kill me now! It’s miserable. So hopefully y’all realize how busy I am. On top of all this I’m still waitressing, taking classes, etc. Its tough! Comment with any questions!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Catching Up

Oh holy crap. I suck. I know. But with everything going on you guys will hopefully understand and forgive me.
First off, I have a story about a certain anonymous account on twitter, and the danger of people and the internet. But we’ll get to that later, and I probably will just make a separate post about it.
So I left off last week on Tuesday night. I never got to finish my online orientation, because for some stupid as heck reason, it doesn’t work on macbooks. So I had to email the doctor I will be shadowing’s assistant, and she invited me to go in on Friday to do the orientation on her PC. Marine Man texted me around this time, asking me if I could hang out with him Friday night, maybe just after work, or whatever. But I pretty much shot him down, cuz I had a test Friday, and one Sunday too. He really is so sweet though.
Thursday I went to my workers comp appointment. And the doctor prescribed me Cephalexin (a heavy duty antibiotic), and Tramadol (a pain med). Well. I got SOOO sick from them. Like, throwing up. I ended up finding out it was from the antibiotic, but man it sucked.
Friday I did the online orientation and then went home to take my first Pharmacotherapy test. It went pretty well. But I definitely would have been able to prepare better had I not had the whole thumb thing going on. I went back to work for the first time since the injury on Friday. And it went okay, but boyyyy did it hurt afterwards! But I ran into Marine Man. And my gosh, not to be shallow, but that boy is so sexy! Like tall, dark, pretty brown eyes, and a smile that will make you melt, dimples included. And there was no way I was leaving. So we ended up just sitting at the back of the bar, away from everyone talking. And we talked. About everything. For like 3 hours, before he finally talked me into dancing. We danced. And by danced I mean we two stepped. In a bar, where everyone is grinding, again. So cute. And let me tell you, I almost went home with him. But I thought better of it. I’m really just not the type of girl who sleeps around or has one night stands. And while he is obviously past that point, I still didn’t think it was a good idea. So we went are separate ways, but only after I promised I would see him before he left for his new base on Thursday. Now let me tell you. ALL of my coworkers who met him LOVED him. He really is just so charming and nice. My friend Cassandra thinks he is mister perfect, but that is yet to be determined.
Saturday I tried to study, but I had work, came home, and my hand hurt so bad, that I just took a pain killer, and talked to my Candian friend until I fell asleep. He’s definitely a person who can always make me laugh.
Sunday I was really upset, because I was no where near ready for my physiology test, and NO ONE, I mean NO ONE, was willing to pick up my shift at work. I ended up having to file for an extension on the test. Which really, really pisses me off. But with my thumb, and the issues I had with the meds, and the pain, etc. I really couldn’t prepare the way that I normally do for a test. So I went to work, and I really did make good money, but I somehow misplaced a $100 bill. And I don’t misplace money. I think I must have left it in a check presenter, and someone just took it and didn’t turn it in. So that really, really, just ruined my night. I was so pissed. Like really? Who the eff just takes 100 dollars and doesn’t turn it in. Ugh. Well I got a voicemail from Marine Man while I was working, and gave him a call back after I got off, and he totally cheered me up. He wanted to do something that night, but it was already like 11 or 12, and he had to be up for work at like 6 am. But we made plans for Monday night.
Well Monday I finally got my shift covered, which was great, but I still didn’t have time to study really, because I had to go with my dad to drop my truck off at the Toyota dealership (its getting so annoying), and then take him to the airport. And by the time I got home I took a short nap and had to get ready to head over to Marine Man’s for a cookout double date at the condo where he is staying until he leaves. It was like a 45 minute drive, but totally worth it. I walked into his condo, and he immediately lifted me up, kissed me and said “hello beautiful.” Like, what girl can resist that? Especially when he is cooking? And sexy as hell. Mmm, not me!  So we went downstairs and I met his friend who he works with, and his friends girlfriend, and I actually really liked them. I didn’t feel quite as out of place, because his friend’s girlfriend was only 22. (IDK if I have mentioned that Marine Man is 25). We ended up getting eaten by mosquitos, so we finished grilling the food and brought it back up the apartment. It was DELICIOUS! He cooked steaks, with portabella mushrooms, zucchini and squash. I had never had mushrooms at all, so I was terrified to try it, but I LOVED IT! Sooo yummy. Afterwards we just sat and talked, the boys smoked some cigars (which I’m not a huge fan of, but he asked if I minded, and was super polite about it, so whatever.) The others left at like 1 AM, and me and Marine Man ended up having this really deep heart to heart on the porch. Like, way deeper than I normally go with any guy. But he’s just easy to talk to and stuff. We moved inside eventually, and he started asking me to just stay the night, and drive home in the morning. I was very reluctant for two reasons: one, I live with my mom for the summer, since I’m home, and two, I have issues with intimacy, and I didn’t wanna disappoint him by turning him down. But eventually I relented, but I gave him a brief overview of why I was so reluctant about stuff. And he was perfectly respectful. I was amazed. So I stayed over. And there was a lot of kissing, and of course some extra fun, but I didn’t have sex with him. Which I knew wasn’t a good idea, but I can’t deny wanting to. I mean, that boy is hot. Oh, and I have to say. I have never been a fan for hairy guys, and he’s not like disgustingly hairy, but he has some hair on his chest and abs (like happy trail, but more so?), and he actually made it hot. I was impressed. And he has the perfect body. I mean, sooo hot. And an ass to die for. And thighs. I’m a thigh girl. Swoon. But anyways, we had to get up at like 6:30 for him to be at work on time, and I got to see him in his flight suit, and holy hell. Every girl should see a hot man in a flight suit. Just wow. Wow.
But, I had two small marks on my neck. I won’t call them hickeys. But marks, and of course my mom noticed when I came home. I immediately texted him and told him I would kill him. I was so mad. But I guess it’s whatever now. So I went back to bed, of course, ‘cuz I can’t survive on no sleep. And then went to work. And here I am now. He called me while I was at work, but was asleep when I called him back after work. But I’m still thinking about the situation. Because he wants to like fly me out to his new base to visit him, and all this stuff, and I have no idea how I feel about this. I mean, he’s 25, I know he’s thinking future, marriage, all that. And I mean, I just don’t know how I feel about that. I like him a lot, but he’s in the Marines. He’s never gunna be in one place for long, and with me going to medical school in two years, I’m not gunna be able to move around and stuff. And I guess this is me being analytic, but it just doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. But I guess it’s definitely fun for right now. Hopefully I’ll see him tomorrow night. I don’t know. I also have to find time to study for the test that I got an extension for, do 5 online labs, and an extracredit assignment all before Thursday or so. It’s so annoying. I hate online classes. I’m glad they’re interesting but, really? So much work.
Getting my TB test and all that for my job at the hospital tomorrow morning! I’m stoked! I’ll get another post out shortly! What do y’all think about Marine Man? What should I do?! Ahhhh advice please!!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Car?

Well, I had to go to a doctor that is “workers comp” certified before I can go back to work. So I headed out there today, walked in and BOOM. Literally jammed full of sick people. And they wanted me to wait TWO hours for a doctor too look at my thumb. Um, all they’re doing is checking to make sure there is no infection. HELLO! I’m a med kid, I think I can tell if my thumb is fucking infected. It’s not. But anyways, I made an appointment for Thursday at 11 am. So I can’t work til after that. After I left there I decided to go car shopping! I’ve pretty much decided that I am going to buy a car. One, because my two younger brothers and mother are moving up to about 30 minutes from my school, and I want to be able to go see them whenever I want, especially to go to the boys baseball and hockey games. And two, because I want to be that much more out of my fathers grip.
Well I went to two used car dealerships. And both were really nice. But I’m in the deep south, and it’s really hard to find a good four wheel or all wheel drive small SUV or truck for a decent price. People just don’t need 4WD down here with no snow. But I definitely will when I get back up to Minnesota. But I did find a really nice Jeep Grand Cherokee Overlander that’s 4WD, and is way under blue book price, and I drove it and loved it. But it’s still 15.9K, and that’s a LOT of money for a college kid. But I feel like I would rather spend some money, and get a car I can drive for the next 10 or so years, than get something super cheap and have no idea on its safety, etc. and how long it will last. So I’m going to take my mom and go look at it before my appointment on Thursday.
Another good thing – I’m finally getting my phone fixed. The back has been shattered since the end of March, and the front since mid May. I’m so excited. I also bought one of those Lifeproof cases. So hopefully it will stay fixed. So I spent a good 235 bucks today on my phone. Kill me now.
Hopefully I get cleared to work on Thursday, and then I can work doubles Friday/Sat/Sun, cuz I need money – especially if I wanna buy a car. But right now I’m waiting for my phone, and studying, and watching a friends baseball game online. I have to say, I don’t know shit about baseball. But I mean, I guess it’s kinda cool? I def don’t have the hand eye coordination to hit a ball going that fast with a bat.
My thumb looks disgusting. Beyond disgusting. Again, pictures on my twitter (@_Singlegirlswag) and my instagram (which I can’t really remember the username for, but I do believe it’s the same). If any of y’all have any good advice about cars and stuff like that, please let me know. I am now going to go back to reading about drugs used to treat infectious diseases. Yay! (It’s actually REALLY interesting! I love pharmacology!) OH! And I got my email for my online orientation for working in the hospital! Definitely finishing that tonight! Can’t waitttt! Hope everyone’s doing well!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Hitch In The Road

Welllll hi there my loves! I am so sorry I have been so bad at updating. But really, until a little while ago, there was nothing worth updating! I got my score on my first Physiology test – a 96! Go meeee! Every time I get that good grade, I feel like I am one step closer to achieving my dreams. Med school is so close, but it feels so far too. Does that make any sense to anyone? How many of y’all are pre med? Or even in medical school? Or planning on going premed in college? I’d love to hear some of y’alls stories and what y’all are planning on doing!
I have two tests this week. First Pharmacotherapy test has to be in by Friday, and second physiology test by Sunday night again. So I’m starting to stress. They scheduled me every day this week at work except for Thursday, but, unfortunately, I don’t get to work til probably Friday, so I’ll have no problem getting my studying in now – more about why I cant work later.
Well it has been in the works (not sure if I have mentioned it thus far) that I would be shadowing Ace’s father, who is a vascular surgeon. I was beyond excited for it, but then on Wednesday I had a text from Ace telling him to call his dad (who I see as a kind of father figure as well) ASAP. So I went into the bathroom at work, and gave him a call. Ace’s dad is  quite the character, and as soon as he picked up the phone, he goes “You know I love you like a daughter. Now, how serious are you about going to medical school?” So obviously you all knew my answer. And I think he knew that answer, he’s known it since I was like 12 years old. But he had an opportunity for me. Well, more than one opportunity. Not only was I going to be shadowing him and some other surgeons this summer, he is going to have me doing data collection and entry for a research project. This may sound dull and tedious, which in all actuality it really is – but it means I’ll be published in an actual medical journal this summer! Which is a HUGE deal. It’s such a helpful thing to have when applying to medical school! On top of the shadowing and the research, he also is friends with two deans of admissions at two medical schools, and he got me sit down interviews with both of them, so I can discuss how to better my chances of getting into medical school! I am just blown away. I honestly wanted to cry when he told me all this. It’s like he’s fast tracking me, giving me a direct in, to my dream! I just can’t wait to get started. I literally went home from work that night and filled out all the paperwork, and got it sent in – I got the acceptance email right away. Now I’m just waiting for the email with all the online orientation and stuff. Gotta get a health screening, ID badge for the hosp and all that.
My god sis was in town all week, and we went to the beach once, but really, we just kinda hung out all week. Except for Thursday night. We went to the premier of Magic Mike at midnight. And let me tell you something. Holy Channing Tatum and Alex Pettyfer. I’m glad everyone is falling in love with Alex now, but I’ve got to claim that I’ve been in love with him for some time. So bitches can back off.
The weather here this past weekend has been absolutely ridiculous. I actually have had a really hard time. It was 122 on the heat index on Sat and I worked all day. It was disgusting. It was also that bad last night when I worked. But oh boy oh boy, last night was traumatic for its own reasons.
I had a great night, minus the heat, and made awesome money. I finally got cut around 10 PM and was doing my sidework, which included stocking oyster cracker baskets. Well halfway through I ran out of captain’s wafers, and pulled down a new box, and had to open it. Well one of my coworkers saw me trying to pull the tape off with my fingers and he whipped out a boxcutter to help. Which was fine, until he sliced my thumb with it on accident. I didn’t even feel it slice my thumb open, I just kinda grabbed my thumb with my other fingers, cuz I knew he hit it, but I didn’t feel it. Which was my first clue that it was not good. I looked up at my coworker, who had dropped the boxcutters and was just staring at me open mouthed and said “I’m afraid to look.” And he just kinda stuttered and was like “I am too.” But I finally opened my hand, and looked down, and saw some nail, and then it just started gushing blood. I had no idea how deep it was, or anything. I followed my coworker back to the office to get the first aid kit, but by the time I got there and looked down, I had blood dripping down my arm, off my hand, all over the floor. I kinda looked up at my manager and was like “I think this is past just a bandaid.” He took one look at my hand, and called one of my coworkers in to take me to the ER. So I did. And by the time I got to the ER I had soaked through multiple stacks of paper towels, and they were really quick getting my hand in a pressure wrap, and getting me into a room, cuz apparently I looked like I was going to hit the deck at any second. I was there for a couple hours, and they gave me loratab, xrayed my thumb, and then gave me the option of glue, or stitches. And seeing a needle for lidocaine sitting there, the decision for glue was an easy one.
So that was last night. And my thumb looks absolutely disgusting. I posted some pictures on twitter (@_singlegirlswag) that y’all can go take a look at if you’d like. But I warn you, it’s pretty disgusting. Anyways. That’s all for now. I guess I won’t be working ‘til this weekend or so. So other than studying, this will be a priority, especially since I cant work out… or go to the beach… or do really anything ‘cuz of this skin glue stuff. SO ANNOYING! Argh! I think I’m gunna write a blog post just on my opinion on meeting people online, and all that. Cuz I have seen a lot of blog posts about that lately. We shall see. Later lovelies!