Monday, February 25, 2013

A Mess

Well. I have the flu. And now bronchitis. Which led the doctor to look into my records and see that I get an average of 2-3 cases of long lasting bacterial bronchitis a year. Which obviously isn’t normal. So apparently I have a condition called “hyperactive airway disease”… which is basically intermittent asthma left over from when I was a kid. It causes my airways to be super reactive, so anytime I get any type of flu/upper respiratory infection/sinus infection, etc, it turns into bronchitis, which my body cant get rid of, making the doctors think its bacterial. And even then, after I’m on antibiotics, I still wheeze when I run for weeks afterwards, because my airways are still swollen. So he prescribed me a ton of stuff, and instructed me to start using this steroid inhaler whenever I start to get sick to try and prevent these bronchitis episodes.

SO STUPID. Ugh. It’s just one more thing on my plate, eh? Regionals went okay. I got my second event qualification Saturday (I had to win, and I did), and then took 5ths in both events Sunday. Which I’m okay with since I had the full blown flu/bronchitis while competing.

My classes are whooping my ass. I should be writing my physics lab report that’s due tomorrow. But I’m waiting in the pharmacy for my prescriptions, so I figured I would write up a post.

As for boys. There is also one more I forgot to mention. I’m not even gunna give him a name yet, because for right now I am strictly friendzoning him.  He’s Indian, but born in the US, and is really tall and attractive. And really smart (wants to be a neurosurgeon), but young (skipped a grade), and all that. I dunno. Just dunno.

Realizing Coach might be a bad idea, cuz well, he’s my brothers coach. Dentist Boy is still cool. But IDK if he’s actually cute, or if I just cant see past the scrubs and muscles. Who knows.

I’m a mess.

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