Sunday, April 14, 2013

Boys On Boys On Boys

So I kinda brought y’all vaguely up to speed on the guys in my life in the last post, with absolutely no detail. But I guess I kind of owe y’all the dirt, yeah? So here goes nothing.

Dentist Boy: Well I brought him up forever ago. He’s hot. No doubting that, especially with the scrubs. He’s a second year dental student, life of the party, about 6’6”, blonde hair, blue eyes, muscles for days… you get the picture! Oddly, he looks like a better-looking version of the cheater. And I do mean MUCH better looking, but still, weird. Even weirder, his last two ex girlfriends have the same name as me. It’s kind of a clusterfuck. Like, a) who dates two people back to back with the same name, and b) who starts talking to another girl with the same name right after? Should I be worried about a name fetish? No chance of him calling out the wrong name in bed I guess…. I guess my big problem with him is that he’s acting almost couplish, calling me after we’ve been out to check on me, knowing when I have tests, etc. But he hasn’t asked me out to dinner, or even to hang out outside of drinking or studying in the library… Like, dude, man up! Maybe he’s just not that into me? But then, what’s with the puppy dog act? Who knows.

Kryptonite Man: We all know and love this boy. I miss him. But since baseball has started back up, he’s been busy, therefore we don’t talk as much and it makes it easier. Until he’s super sweet and wants me to come visit him once classes are out for a few days. I want to… boy do I want to, but I don’t know if that would be such a good idea. It’s generally not a good idea to get attached to a guy you know is always going to be far away. But on the other hand, he’s like my security blanket. He knows about my dad, and doesn’t care. And I’m super comfortable with him. I don’t know, it’s such a complicated situation.

Hockey Boy: Funny story here. I joined Tinder as a joke, at like 3 am when I couldn’t sleep. Hockey boy was one of my matches later that day or whatever, and we exchanged Hi, hi this is weird, etc. But come Friday I found out he was in town, even though he normally goes to school 6 hours away (where he plays hockey, hence the name). That night, he ran into blacked out me at the bar. Apparently I had been talking to another guy and his friend had asked me “hey are you J?” To which I had immediately said “Nope!” and turned away, without thinking (Drunk me probably thought he was gunna get me in trouble or something). Of course, later I recognized him, we chatted, etc, before I left. Well we ended up texting, etc, which we still do. And let me tell you, besides me absolutely adorable (baby face, kinda), with gorgeous eyes, and a hockey bod, he actually gets it. He’s super smart, and doesn’t have this NHL delusion, so he’s getting an engineering degree, and he has Diabetes, so he genuinely gets the whole autoimmune disease thing. Over all, I have a great time chatting with him, and he’s pre-asked me out to dinner for when he gets home in May. Other than the distance and sports deal, I don’t see any negatives so far!

Blue Eyes: I apparently met Blue eyes the first time on the weekend of my 21st when I was just absolutely annihilated. His friend reintroduced us two Fridays ago, where I was absolutely captivated by his eyes. The boy is like 6’3” with black hair and darkish skin (not black, but obviously tans in the summer), and these navy blue eyes. Absolutely beautiful. So we exchanged numbers and he texted me the next day about going to dinner. So we went. He found a really nice celiac friendly place, and the dinner was phenomenal. He’s gorgeous. Has a good family. Is graduating in May and already accepted into a masters program, with a job offer from a huge firm in the city we go to school in. So needless to say, I’m impressed. After dinner we went for a beer. He’s a little goofy, which I honestly think is a good thing, but we talked for forever, about everything. I just never felt that “I wanna jump his bones” feeling. Now granted, it was a first date, so maybe that’s a good thing? He also asked if I would like to do the whole church thing one Sunday with him, while we were talking about how our moms were super into church, which was adorable, and let me tell you, my mom would love him. But still, I agreed to a second date, obviously. So we’re still working on that, since I’ve been sick and we’re both super busy. So we’ll see how that goes. But what do y’all think, is the lack of that “I wanna jump his bones” feeling a foreshadowing of no chemistry, or should I give it time?

Like I said, boys for days. I was also supposed to go out with another guy last week, but it never worked out. So who knows. I just hate making decisions!

School is still ridiculous. My Organic Chem lab is killer, especially since I’m taking it after taking a semester off from ochem. Killllllerrrr! I don’t remember crap. It’s ridiculous. On a good note, I have a semester paper due Tuesday on vanishing white matter disease, and a symposium presentation on Friday. Super stoked.

Alright, let me know what y’all think on the man front!

Xoxo J

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Time For A Change

I think it’s time I return this blog to what I initially wanted it to be. It somehow became my diary about my issues with my dad, and while I will always be open and honest with you guys about that, I think it’s time I brought this blog back to its original intentions: “Life, Love, and The Pursuit of Medicine”. That being said, I’m gunna start back blogging more regularly, and put a little less into the “Life” (my issues and past and stuff), although there will always be support or an open line for anyone who needs to talk about their experiences or ongoing abuse, more on the “Love” my current dating habits, where you can give advice or opinion on different guys, and definitely the “Pursuit of Medicine”, because I’m making a lot of decisions here shortly about what I’m doing after I graduate!

Life is going really well. I’m super overwhelmed with school, big decisions, etc. But otherwise it’s going good. I quit my bottle service night time shift on Saturdays due to an altercation that happened at work last week, and I honestly just don’t feel safe. So now I’ll just be waiting tables for dinner. No more late nights, unless I get a bartending job! Also, I turned 21 this past month. It’s crazy fun, and I love being able to go out with friends. It was on my 21st birthday that I really got close with a friend of mine, who I never thought I would be as close with as we are now, due to our completely different views on religion. But we’ve been able to look past that, and we’ve become so close due to our similar daddy issues. We’ll call her Alice.

Love is another story. Isn’t it funny how girls either have 4 or 5 great guys they can’t choose from in their life, or none at all? And God knows with this situation I’m going to choose wrong…. I’ll definitely do an elaborated post later tonight about these, but here are the current guys I’m thinking about:

Dentist Boy – We’ve brought him up before. He’s still around, but hasn’t formally asked me out to dinner, etc. Which I would like him to do? I don’t know. It’s slow moving.

Hockey Boy – Go figure, I initially chatted with him via Tinder, but met him in the bar literally the next night. He goes to school/plays hockey for a school about 5-6 hours from where I go. But he seems pretty great.

Blue Eyes – I met him at a bar (I know, a no-no), but he’s beautiful. His eyes are UNREAL. And he took me to dinner last week.

Kryptonite Man – We all know about this boy.

So there is that. Who knows?

As for the Pursuit of Medicine – I am officially conflicted. I love research. Like I never thought I would love it this much. Enter the crazy idea of going to get my MD/PhD. I know getting a PhD wouldn’t be satisfactory for me. And if I truly want to be a surgeon, then the PhD isn’t necessary, I can do clinical trials, whatever. But what if I get there and realize I didn’t want to do surgery? What if I end up doing Pediatric Oncology or something like that? I really have a passion for research, and I could do big things with an MD/PhD. It’s such a huge decision to make, and it’s really hard to pick a medical specialty without having hands on experience, which you can’t get until medical school. SO FRUSTRATING! I really wish I could figure it out soon.

I’m not taking classes this summer, which is nice, so I’ll be studying for my MCAT, which I’ll take at the end of June or July. Then who knows? I think I’ll apply to one or two med schools, but I really am planning on taking a year off to try and figure stuff out.

Thanks to all of you loyal readers, you’ll never know how much I appreciate you all!

Monday, February 25, 2013

A Mess

Well. I have the flu. And now bronchitis. Which led the doctor to look into my records and see that I get an average of 2-3 cases of long lasting bacterial bronchitis a year. Which obviously isn’t normal. So apparently I have a condition called “hyperactive airway disease”… which is basically intermittent asthma left over from when I was a kid. It causes my airways to be super reactive, so anytime I get any type of flu/upper respiratory infection/sinus infection, etc, it turns into bronchitis, which my body cant get rid of, making the doctors think its bacterial. And even then, after I’m on antibiotics, I still wheeze when I run for weeks afterwards, because my airways are still swollen. So he prescribed me a ton of stuff, and instructed me to start using this steroid inhaler whenever I start to get sick to try and prevent these bronchitis episodes.

SO STUPID. Ugh. It’s just one more thing on my plate, eh? Regionals went okay. I got my second event qualification Saturday (I had to win, and I did), and then took 5ths in both events Sunday. Which I’m okay with since I had the full blown flu/bronchitis while competing.

My classes are whooping my ass. I should be writing my physics lab report that’s due tomorrow. But I’m waiting in the pharmacy for my prescriptions, so I figured I would write up a post.

As for boys. There is also one more I forgot to mention. I’m not even gunna give him a name yet, because for right now I am strictly friendzoning him.  He’s Indian, but born in the US, and is really tall and attractive. And really smart (wants to be a neurosurgeon), but young (skipped a grade), and all that. I dunno. Just dunno.

Realizing Coach might be a bad idea, cuz well, he’s my brothers coach. Dentist Boy is still cool. But IDK if he’s actually cute, or if I just cant see past the scrubs and muscles. Who knows.

I’m a mess.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Rough Couple Months

What a rough few months. I’ve been putting off writing this, mainly because the only chances I have had to do it, I’ve been so exhausted I just went to sleep. I’m not really ready to talk about my last couple posts again. We’ll leave that for when I have more energy. I currently have the flu. And regionals this weekend. And I may have contaminated a stock solution while having foggy flu brain and working in my lab. And I have a million papers to grade. So there is that.

I found out I have celiacs disease. I mean, my mom has it, and I knew it was coming. But I dropped down to about 92 pounds, and kept getting progressively sicker. As soon as I went on a gluten free diet, I improved a ton, but I became ultra reactive. Now if I get even a hint of it, or dairy, I get sick. It’s unreal. It sucks. I hate it. I want a damn mac n cheese pizza and a beer!

Schools insane. Between two jobs (one waiting tables, one teacher assisting), a research lab, a sports team, and school, PLUS a Kaplan MCAT class, I am absolutely struggling. Zero social life. Besides the boys. And boy are there a ton of them.

Brief overview on the boy front?

Kryptonite man. I went home for a week in January and saw him. It was amazing. He is amazing. But he’s there and I’m here. And we still talk, and skype, and all that, but distance just isn’t ever gunna cut it for either of us.
Physics boy is just frustrating. He never made a move so I assumed he wasn’t interested. So I friendzoned him. Then found out he was like a virgin, had zero experience with girls, etc. And was like, oh well, there’s that. Completely moved on. And we became super good friends. Then he kissed me! One night after we were studying. I couldn’t even respond cuz I was so like WTF just happened?!?!? And now he’s super awkward because he’s immature as hell. So I’m just annoyed with that. I’m not even interested. He’s so immature and has proven that repeatedly now.
Enter dentist boy. I know I’ve tweeted about him on many occasions, but I met him over a year ago, and we steadily have met a few times, in the library, out and about, and have just casually started to get to know each other (once I figured his name out, super awkward), and today he mentioned possibly going out sometime. So I would definitely be down for that!
Finally, enter Coach. Not my coach, obviously, my brothers. He’s young (late twenties), which is a good bit older than me, but you’d never know. He’s beautiful. BEAUTIFUL. And so sweet. And I absolutely love talking to him. And he’s also my good friends older brother. But I don’t know how that would ever happen. The whole him being my brothers coach thing. But he’s hot, and I would love for it to happen.

The biggest thing right now in my life is getting healthy. This celiacs thing is so much tougher than I ever imagined it to be. And I just need that to get better and life will be so much easier! Sorry for the long delay in posts!  I promise I’ll try to get better!