Finally have wifi again! Yayyy! Took over a week to fix, but
hopefully now I’ll at least be able to update a little more often – but with
summer classes in full swing, I can’t promise it. Well, lets see. I guess I left off last Tuesday.
Well Wednesday was a typical day, I just went to work, and
then got ready with Cassandra, and we headed to the bar that we went to the
week before – where I met Marine Man, etc. Well I can’t deny that I was super
excited to see and hang out with Marine Man, but earlier that day, S had called
me – one of her friends from school, on the guys swim team (shes on the girls)
was found dead that morning. Could that girl have anything else bad happen to
her??! She’s just having such a rough time. Well on the way to the bar, she
texted me and was just freaking out. So I was just not in a good mood. I hate
feeling like I cant help her. It’s the worst feeling ever. Well, Marine Man
wasn’t at the bar. I texted him and made some joke about how he better still be
celebrating. Sadly, he had a test the next day. Which is weird, since he told
me he’d see me there just the day before. Annoying, but whatever. Cassandra
wasn’t feeling it either, so we just went home early.
Thursday was nothing special. I honestly can’t really
remember anything. I know I studied.
Friday B came into town, and we went to lunch. On the way
home I had to take Carry (my truck) to the mechanic again. She had to stay over
night, and since my Mom was out of town, and my dad doesn’t live too close, B
took me to work, and was planning on picking me up. Well Marine Man decided to
come to my work and hang out, so me, B and B’s roommate stayed, and me and B
had some drinks. Well Marine Man showed up and absolutely charmed B and his
roommate, they are now his biggest fan. And I have to say – he charmed the hell
out of me too. While everyone was bumping and grinding up by the stage, he
grabbed my hands, and taught me how to two step. All night. And I taught him
how to swing dance, or what I remembered of it. It was SO CUTE! I about died.
And I was drunk. I mean, not too drunk to not remember what was going on, but
definitely tipsy. I know at the end of the night his friends were goading him,
something about kissing me. And this guy is like 6’3’ or something, and I am like
5’7”. So at one point he picked me up while we were dancing, and kissed me. And
wow. It was adorable. I mean, there was no making out going on – obviously, I mean
I work at the place we were at. But he was adorable. And all of my coworkers
keep telling me how adorable he is, and how much they loved him.
Saturday I went to the beach all day with the fam (M was
home with a teammate) and Mom and E, as well as B and his roommate. Of course
Beach Boy showed up, and he played with E, but we didn’t stay too late – I needed
to get home to study, cuz I had my first Physiology test Sunday. Of course
Marine Man called, and asked if he could take me to lunch Sunday, but I had to
say no, cuz of the test.
Sunday was all studying, all day. Which sucked. But I am
pretty sure I know more about synapses, action potentials, sympathetic and
postsympathetic neurons than I will ever really need. And I’m pretty sure I
aced the test. Thank God!
Finally, today was just catching up on sleep, and then work.
And my God Sis came to town today! Yay! So happy to see her, I haven’t seen her
since January, and I’m really, really close to her!
Marine Man texted me again today too. He wanted to know if I
was going out tonight. But with the God Sis being her, no way jose! Planning on
the beach all day tomorrow though, so maybe he’ll show up. But if not, who
cares. He leaves in 2 weeks. And I’m not too worried.
Much love all!
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