Tuesday, June 26, 2012

First Test of the Summer!

Finally have wifi again! Yayyy! Took over a week to fix, but hopefully now I’ll at least be able to update a little more often – but with summer classes in full swing, I can’t promise it.  Well, lets see. I guess I left off last Tuesday.
Well Wednesday was a typical day, I just went to work, and then got ready with Cassandra, and we headed to the bar that we went to the week before – where I met Marine Man, etc. Well I can’t deny that I was super excited to see and hang out with Marine Man, but earlier that day, S had called me – one of her friends from school, on the guys swim team (shes on the girls) was found dead that morning. Could that girl have anything else bad happen to her??! She’s just having such a rough time. Well on the way to the bar, she texted me and was just freaking out. So I was just not in a good mood. I hate feeling like I cant help her. It’s the worst feeling ever. Well, Marine Man wasn’t at the bar. I texted him and made some joke about how he better still be celebrating. Sadly, he had a test the next day. Which is weird, since he told me he’d see me there just the day before. Annoying, but whatever. Cassandra wasn’t feeling it either, so we just went home early.
Thursday was nothing special. I honestly can’t really remember anything. I know I studied.
Friday B came into town, and we went to lunch. On the way home I had to take Carry (my truck) to the mechanic again. She had to stay over night, and since my Mom was out of town, and my dad doesn’t live too close, B took me to work, and was planning on picking me up. Well Marine Man decided to come to my work and hang out, so me, B and B’s roommate stayed, and me and B had some drinks. Well Marine Man showed up and absolutely charmed B and his roommate, they are now his biggest fan. And I have to say – he charmed the hell out of me too. While everyone was bumping and grinding up by the stage, he grabbed my hands, and taught me how to two step. All night. And I taught him how to swing dance, or what I remembered of it. It was SO CUTE! I about died. And I was drunk. I mean, not too drunk to not remember what was going on, but definitely tipsy. I know at the end of the night his friends were goading him, something about kissing me. And this guy is like 6’3’ or something, and I am like 5’7”. So at one point he picked me up while we were dancing, and kissed me. And wow. It was adorable. I mean, there was no making out going on – obviously, I mean I work at the place we were at. But he was adorable. And all of my coworkers keep telling me how adorable he is, and how much they loved him.
Saturday I went to the beach all day with the fam (M was home with a teammate) and Mom and E, as well as B and his roommate. Of course Beach Boy showed up, and he played with E, but we didn’t stay too late – I needed to get home to study, cuz I had my first Physiology test Sunday. Of course Marine Man called, and asked if he could take me to lunch Sunday, but I had to say no, cuz of the test.
Sunday was all studying, all day. Which sucked. But I am pretty sure I know more about synapses, action potentials, sympathetic and postsympathetic neurons than I will ever really need. And I’m pretty sure I aced the test. Thank God!
Finally, today was just catching up on sleep, and then work. And my God Sis came to town today! Yay! So happy to see her, I haven’t seen her since January, and I’m really, really close to her!
Marine Man texted me again today too. He wanted to know if I was going out tonight. But with the God Sis being her, no way jose! Planning on the beach all day tomorrow though, so maybe he’ll show up. But if not, who cares. He leaves in 2 weeks. And I’m not too worried.
Much love all!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Still No Wifi

Oh gosh. I’m so bad about updating this right now. I promise it’s because of the fact that I STILL don’t have wifi! Talk about frustrating. But hopefully it will be repaired soon, and then I promise updates every day! Okay, where did I leave off last time… Oh yeah, Friday night.
Okay, well Saturday morning I got up and went to the beach with Cassandra. She came and picked me up (such a great friend!) since my truck was dead. Oh, apparently my truck has a name – Carry – that Kryptonite Boy (more about him some other time), gave to it two years ago, without telling me. Kryptonite boy has popped back up, with a few oddly timed texts, but I haven’t seen him in over a year. Did see his girlfriend today though. But that’s another, and very long, story. The beach was awesome, I found out an old friend (and old flame) was in town for the weekend. So I got to see him (strictly on a friends basis, that attraction is way way over). Good times. Beach Boy came and hung out with me all day. It was good to chat. He’s like a puppy. As soon as my attention is elsewhere he starts flipping out. It’s mildly amusing. Can’t decide if it’s endearing or annoying as hell. I feel like it may start out as the first, and move towards the latter. But after my old friend and Cassandra both peaced out, it was just me and him. And he was very inquisitive. He told me how “intrigued” he was by me, and how he had no idea why he couldn’t read me. Cuz I’m stone cold, bitch. Ahhhah! He made some weird comment about trust, and I made the mistake of mentioning that I don’t trust people, and he asked me about it for like 30 minutes, even though I made it very obvious he wasn’t getting any information on the subject. I actually repeated “its none of your business”. Which it isn’t. That shit’s on a need to know basis. He had a weird cut thing on his lip that looked a lot like a cold sore, and my friend kept texting me not to get herpes, but I asked, and he said it was a pimple that he cut shaving or something stupid. Whatever, wasn’t planning on kissing him anyways. And he was under the impression that you could only get herpes on your lips from going down on a girl. A little worried about his education on STD’s. If any of y’all have questions, feel free to ask. I did tell him I would go to dinner with him this week, but I was scheduled to work almost every day, and I have a test this weekend, so that’s not gunna happen. While I was with him, I saw Pilot Boy, who gave me a hug, and shook Beach Boy’s hand. It was beyond awkward. He then texted me and then informed me that his day would be better if I came and hung out with him. Fat chance. Yuck. Haven’t talked to him since. No thanks.
Sat night I went to where I work to hang out with my old friend. It was okay, but he was drunk and really annoying. While I was getting ready to go there, Marine Man texted me. Which was exciting. He wants to hang out, but he also informed me he will be leaving in 3 weeks. Which sucks. But hey, such is life. I then worked Sunday morning, and didn’t hear from anyone. My fathers day sucked. But, that was to be expected. I think my dad has a gf. He was like in some hurry to get back to where he is living, when he could have been spending it with my 8 year old brother. He’s such an ass.
I got my truck back Monday, and worked Monday night. I made okay money, but otherwise it was uneventful. Today I went and saw my horse, and went to VS and the bookstore. Got the second and third shades of grey books. So excited to read them after this test is over and I get caught up. I bought TWO bikinis at VS and spent 100 bucks. Which I shouldn’t have done, but I couldn’t decide and they were both so cute, and fit me perfectly – which with my lack of curves, is hard to find. We then went to the beach all day, came home, napped, and went back to the beach for a low key concert thing with my mom. It was a good time. And now I’m studying – or rather taking a break from it. Marine Man just texted me, and I’m seeing him tomorrow night at the bar where we met. Should be interesting. He’s very flirty. He’ll prob have his tongue down some blondes throat when I show up, a la pilot boy. Oh, and Beach Boy wants to study Thurs night since I cant do dinner. Um, no. I will get nothing done. Not that I’m getting anything done right now. And on that note… I need to get to studying Physiology. Toodles!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thurs and Fri

Alright, here goes part two. So I woke up Thursday pretty confused as to what to think of Pilot Boy, but leaning towards the fact that he’ll be fun to play games with. I also woke up with no text from Marine Man, which I was pretty disappointed about. It didn’t take long for a text to come in from Pilot Boy, asking me if I was going to the beach, which I responded to shortly, and he said he would text me when he got out there. I thought it was funny that he was driving all the way out to my beach, which was 30 minutes from his house, when he had a beach barely 10 minutes from his house. But I figured he knew he had fucked up, and wanted to try and make it up to me somehow. Well I had been planning on going to the beach to study, so I was out there by 12:30, and was sitting with my chair facing the sun, reading my Physiology text book most of the afternoon. Around 3 I got up to go to the bar at the top of the beach to go pee, and of course Pilot Boy is playing football 20 feet from me. I just pull my sunglasses on, put my earphones in, and walk by without even acknowledging him. I still don’t know if he saw me then or not. When I got back, he was no longer playing football, but I see that him and two of his friends had set up like 50 feet from my chair, and I flopped down on my towel, facing where they were set up to study more. I completely ignored him, but I got a text saying “You look really cute over there with that textbook”. To which I replied “well aren’t you quite the creep.” He shows up a mere minute or two later and squats down next to me. It was hard to stay neutral, cuz holy jesus that man is beautiful. He just grinned at me and said “How am I the creep when you just set up next to us.” And I replied “I’ve been here for almost three hours, bud.” That shut him up, and we talked for a minute or so before he said he’d let me study and sauntered off. I felt him watching me allllll day. But I just ignored him. Cassandra and Starla showed up pretty soon after that, and then some guys came over and offered us beers, and pretty much just sat there and annoyed us. And by the time we extracted ourselves from the situation, Pilot Boy had left. I sent him a flirty text while I was driving home, giving him grief for leaving without saying goodbye, to which he mad a jealous comment about not wanting to interrupt us with those guys there. I really don’t understand him. But then again, for all the hot and cold he’s giving me, I’m jerking him around so much. I really don’t know what to think about him. Because I can’t really judge him or think lower of him about Wednesday night, because the night we met over spring break I was a shit show and making out with a guy who I had met over spring break who went to school near me. Granted, I hadn’t met him before that night, nor had I been talking to him almost non stop before that. But really, I don’t mind. What I do mind is that I kinda have a slight thought that he maybe told Marine Man not to text me. That I am a little worried about. Well, Thursday night me, Casandra and Starla just got drunk. We decided to drink a whole lot of gin, and then take a cab to the club. Well, that is fine for me and Starla, but Cassandra is the baby of the group, and has only gotten drunk once before. So we had a little lightweight on our hands. While I was there, my best friend S called me. She was bawling and told me that the doctors thought her bf’s cancer had spread to his pancreas. I am absolutely heartbroken for her. The worst part is, there is nothing I can do to help. I absolutely hate feeling helpless when my friends are in pain. But other than that it was a good time, and Cassandra got to meet up with the guy she met Wednesday night, and then we took a cab home, and she stayed over. Today was again uneventful. It started out with a phonecall from S, who was freaking out because her bf is about to leave their school, and go home to do more chemotherapy, and he just called her and told her that the girl he was in love with in high school (although they never dated) was going to come up and visit him (an 8 hour drive for her), when he got home, and that he offered to let her stay with him. S is not normally an irrational person, but she’s so emotionally drained, that she was just absolutely freaking out and angry as all hell. It took me almost a half hour to talk her through it rationally. But she finally felt a little bit better, and seems to be doing a lot better tonight. He had his biopsy today, and we haven’t gotten the results back yet. So prayers for them, y’all.
I took my blue and gold macaw to the beach, because she loves to go, and it was a cooler day today. But the wind was awful so I wasn’t there long before I came home. And then my Mom and E got home. So I’m no longer home alone. And that brings us to now, where I am sitting in my moms car in the parking lot of McDonalds. Why my moms car? Because I’m fairly certain that the alternator is donezo in my truck. There’s a clicking noise every time I try to start it, and it takes me like 10 minutes to finally get it to start. And why McDonalds? Well, cuz I still don’t have internet at my house, and I’m leaching wifi.
I really need to read a lot at the beach tomorrow for class. I haven’t even read half of the chapter I was supposed to read for Physiology this week. And none for my Pharmacotherapy class. Which is partly because I just started reading 50 shades of grey. And is it just me, or is that book pretty much porn for us girls? Go figure. Okay. Well tomorrow will be interesting. Beach Boy will be there. Pilot Boy will hopefully be there. And I’ve got my fingers crossed that Marine Man is doing the three day rule thing, and he will finally text me. It’s shaping up to be an interesting summer! Have a great Friday night everyone – comment with your craziest drunk stories!

Sunday Night to Wednesday

Alright, so with my lack of internet, I haven’t been able to write any posts this week. And I apologize for that. I’m gunna have two posts that are going to cover this week, and this one is going to cover from the last blog post to Wednesday (6/13).  The next one will catch us all up. A lottttt went down the last few days. Sunday night I went to dinner with a girl from high school, Starla, and then we did a movie night and talked about boys. Monday was a boring, typical day. Mom, E and M were gone, so I just lazed around, went to work, came home and went to bed. Tuesday is when the drama started. While I was at work one of my coworkers was in an accident, and I had to rush him to the ER at like 9:15. We were there until like 1:15 am, and I have never had that bad of an experience at a hospital before. The nurses were unbelievably rude, and the lack of urgency when a young man is brought in with an obvious head trauma was distressing. They acted like he had a broken arm, not like he had a huge gash and obvious head trauma. Stupid idiots. I talked to Beach Boy through out the night and he won a lot of points by being really sweet. Wednesday morning I slept in and then went to the beach for a few hours. I also went to the gym and worked out. Felt great. Well I talked to Pilot Boy during the day Wednesday, and he was his usual flirty self, and talked about going to a popular bar in town that night, which me, Starla and one of my coworkers, Cassandra, had talked about going to that night. So we did. Me and Cassandra got all dressed up. And I mean to the nines. I looked hot as hell. Cute, short, flirty dress, with some killer heels and my makeup done perfectly. When I showed up, around midnight, Pilot Boy was no where to be found, so me and Cassandra wandered around and ended up talking to this absolutely gorgeous guy, we’ll call him Marine Man. I was absolutely smitten within minutes. He was obviously very intelligent, absolutely gorgeous, and really tall. He also was in flight school. Well after we had been talking to him for a while, Pilot Boy shows up out of no where, and puts his arms around me, blah blah blah, and makes some jealous comment, he obviously knew Marine Man. But he walked off, and so did Marine Man, so I was kind of annoyed. But Marine Man came back a few minutes later, and we continued chatting. Well I saw Pilot Boy not too long after that, with his tongue down the throat of some older blonde girl out on the dance floor. Claaassssyyyyyy. I was not impressed. Well he saw how flirty me and Marine Man were getting. I  am super ticklish, and Marine Man figured that out by talking in my ear, and me getting tickled, so he kept amusing himself by whispering in my ear and making me squirm. And by squirm I mean, double over backwards, with him holding me up and leaning over me, still trying to talk in my ear, and me getting goosebumps all over my body. Him, sexy.as.hell. holy crap. Well Pilot Boy apparently didn’t like this. He kept trying to talk to me, or get my attention, all while wrapped up by this blonde. I ignored him, or was short with him, and continued giving my attention to the gorgeous Marine Man. At the end of my night I gave Marine Man my number, after he asked for it, of course, right in front of Pilot Boy, didn’t say goodbye to Pilot Boy, and left with Cassandra. Cassandra also met a cute boy. All together it was a successful night. But all I was thinking when I left was, Sucks to Suck Pilot Boy.
Well, Pilot Boy didn’t agree apparently. He called me when I got home, and I didn’t answer, waited 5 minutes and called him back. He apologized for being an asshole, and said he was an idiot, this that and the other. He used the fact that I showed up late as an excuse. I was very short with him, but did the whole “I had a good time, what you do is your business” thing. When we hung up he immediately texted me apologizing again. I was still short with him, but we texted for like two hours, even though it was 2:30 am and he had work at 8. All I could think was game on, Pilot Boy, game on.  To Be Continued in Part Two!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Oh Holy Storm

Oh holy crap. Where do I even begin?  So I cocktailed Friday night for a big party. And it wasn’t too busy, because the weather was pretty bad, and I didn’t make too much money, because they were giving out free beer for the party. But Pilot Boy was there, and he was even better looking than I remembered! My girl coworkers all agreed. Definitely gorgeous. We chatted on and off, and he was very touchy, and then made some weird jealous comment, so I kinda gave him some space, cuz it annoyed me. But it was whatever. B was also there, and I was sitting and talking with him often, and what I didn’t realize, is that Pilot Boy definitely saw, and probably got the wrong idea. He left without telling me, and I was pissed, but looking back now, I can see where he got the impression that I wasn’t interested. Whoopsies. Definitely interested. We talked the next morning, and I think I cleared it up, but who knows. There is an awfullll storm going on, and my area has been declared a state of emergency due to all the flooding, so that’s kinda put a stopper on my social life. Pilot Boy asked me to come over, or go out for a drink last night, but with the weather, there is no way that was happening. And his texts were weird. He would just respond with “lol” but then when I said well have a good night! He would get all talkative again. I have no idea what his deal is. Go figure!
I also talked to Beach Boy, he’s so nice. And Baseball Boy got called up to the next team in his baseball organization – so good luck to him! Oh, and there is this thing I may have for a certain one of my bouncers – more about that next time.
Lightning struck my house, or really close by, and my internet box got fried, so I officially don’t have internet. I don’t know for how long. And I start my internet classes now. So that’s great. I’m sitting in a what-a-burger as we speak just to get wifi. And Joy to the World is playing right now, fitting, don’t you think?
My truck is officially acting up, so I don’t get to go to Charleston, and I’m really sad about it. I’m planning on flying to S’s school sometime this fall to visit instead. But I’m still bummed.
This was about as brief a run down as I could give, I really need to get home before this storm from hell restarts! I’ll get another post, a little more detailed, in as soon as possible. Comment with anything you’d like to hear more about, or with what you think I should do with Pilot Boy, or send me a tweet to @_SingleGirlSwag on twitter! Stay warm and dry everyone!

Friday, June 8, 2012


Okay wow, miscommunication between me and B. B said he was bringing his roommate, well what I forgot, was that B has 7 roommates. The roommate he brought? Not the Greek god of a roommate. To say I was disappointed when I showed up at his house was an understatement. I mean, the roommate he brought was nice, but definitely not my type. Ugh. I’m still frustrated. Like really B? Could you not have brought the hot one with you too? But it was still good to see B, and I am looking forward to the beach tomorrow with them, and others, but damnit! I was looking forward to the hot one.
So once I found out that B brought his offensive lineman roommate, versus the sexy ass one – and I think the OL roomie would be cute, if he wasn’t 300 lbs -  I decided I should probably text Beach Boy back, and finally shoot Pilot Boy the text he had asked me for earlier this week. Well, Beach Boy is so in love with me that his text back was pretty immediate. “haha well I think it’s really cool that you have your priorities straight. I was thinking about going to the beach this weekend again and I was hoping I’d get to see you, if the weather permits ha”. So the priorities he was speaking of are about my focus on med school, and how he saw me studying for the MCAT (even though it’s a year off). I thought the reply was a little odd, so I made him wait a few hours for another reply. I know, I’m a bitch, but I like to play with my toys.
I texted Pilot Boy, and we had a great conversation. He’s going to be at work tonight, I’m cocktailing from 6:30 pm til 3:30 am. He has a party for work there, and said he would come kidnap me. Sounds great. Ooh la la. He is quite the beauty. I added him on facebook, and the pictures confirm it, he’s definitely my top prospect as of now. Hot damn. So we’ll see what happens tonight. He also asked me to go out with him tomorrow night, but I had to break it to him that I’m not 21. Whoops. I think he likes the whole cradle robbing idea though – even if he’s only 23.
I finally texted the texting boy. I got tired of waiting. I love the chase with him. It’s so back and forth. But since he’s not here, there’s no real possibility. But it’s nice to dream.
I really need to get started on my classes. I have orientation quizzes for both of them, and I want to get them out of the way before classes “officially” start. I need to get a head start, especially with my trip to Charleston coming up next week! I absolutely can’t wait, even if the drive is going to be awful :/

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Exciting Weekend Ahead

Thank you all for such a warm reception. Especially via twitter. It definitely has made me so excited about this blog. So a few things happened last night/today.
The weather ended up clearing up nicely last night, so I did end up going to the baseball game with Mom. We sat right behind the bullpen, and I definitely made eye contact with Baseball Boy. More than once. Unless I’m just fooling myself. But I also swear him and two others were talking about me. Baseball Boy and his teammate were facing away from me, with another one facing towards me and that one kept repeatedly glancing at me. So who knows. Maybe he saw me, maybe he didn’t, but either way, I haven’t heard from him. I was kind of looking forward to him tweeting at me or DM’ing me, or something. But no such luck. While I was at the game, however, one of my high school friends, B, texted me, saying that him and his roommate, who is apparently GORGEOUS, are coming to town for the weekend! I am soo excited to see B, and excited to get a glimpse of this so called hunk of football playing man he is bringing with him. (B obviously didn’t describe him as such, but my investigative skills bring me to this description). We’re planning a beach day for Saturday and I just can’t wait to have some beers and enjoy seeing one of my best friends!
Beach Boy finally texted me tonight while I was at work! But I haven’t answered. I mean, hellooooo, you get my number on a Saturday and wait til Wednesday? You’re going to have to wait at least 24 hours before I reply. I’ve got better things to do. Sorry bout it. I’m going to text Pilot Boy either tomorrow or Friday. Hopefully he shows up at my work on Friday night. That would be awesome!
I absolutely hate waiting for people to text me. There is a certain individual who I text pretty consistently, who doesn’t go to my school or anything, that I haven’t heard from since Sunday. And I’m frustrated. I think I’m just going to give up on him. Oh well. See ya never.
Online classes start on Monday. Got my books in the mail last night, and emails from profs are in. I’m dreading losing my freedom, but what can ya do? Setting up my trip to visit S is proving to be a pain in the ass. I hate making hotel arrangements, and it is going to be expensive as hell to get there, stay in a hotel, and get back. The downside to having a truck with crappy gas mileage. Hopefully it will all work out. Where there is a will there is a way, right?
Until next time! Stay safe from the zombies everyone!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Where Do I Begin...

I've been promising that I would start this blog for quite some time. So here it is. But the problem is, where do I begin? I hate when I start reading a new blog and I have no earthly idea who someone is talking about, or what is going on, so if anyone has any questions about why someone is significant, or why I suddenly am talking about someone, then just comment and ask, and I'll make sure I clear it up in the next post! Names will obviously be changed, to help keep me anonymous and all that.
So let's see. I am home from the summer from college, where I just finished my sophomore year, and I'm in the process of getting my Genetics degree on a pre-med track. I've wanted to be a surgeon for as long as I can remember, and anyone who knows me will tell you that it is my top priority, and I'm very certain I won't let anything, least of all a boy, get in the way of me achieving my goals. Now, don't get me wrong, I am all for having fun, dating casually, and all that, but I never let myself get attached, and honestly, I have zero interest in being in a committed relationship. I also ride horses for my college. It's not D1, but we do compete against D1 schools (and win, none the less), and it's quite time consuming. Oh and I have a 20 hour a week job, and volunteer too. Yay for no social life!
But, it is summer. And I do have interest in having a summer fling. And I have plenty of prospects. But I'll get to that later. I have a great summer job, being a waitress at a big beach side restaurant. I am also in the process of starting to study for the dreaded MCAT that I'm planning to take this time next year - and my summer classes, which I am taking online, start a week from yesterday. Oh joy. At least they will be interesting. Into to Human Physiology, and Intro to Pharmacotherapy. I have been neglecting training and going to the gym since I got home, which has to change, ASAP. I only really want to sleep and go to the beach - a finals hangover, I assume. But I'm going to kick my ass into gear here quickly. The good thing is, I'm one of those over the top metabolism people, so I have abs and am tiny without trying. Yay for me.
Okay. Now the history. Lets see. I am a military brat, have a horrible relationship with my father (which I really don't talk about, so information about that will be few and far between), my moms my best friend, and I have two little brothers who are my world. I have had two relationships that really shaped who I am today. One was a high school boy, we'll call him HS sweetheart, and we met online, go figure, but ended up meeting, and then dating until right before we went to college, and then for a little while freshman year, and it totaled like 3 years. After our breakup we didn't speak for a while, but now we're best friends, and I absolutely love it that way. He's a rock, and I appreciate him more than he will ever know. The second relationship was about 9 or 10 months during my freshman year of college. We will call him the Cheater. So, you can guess how that relationship ended. Surprisingly, even though I dated the HS Sweetheart for so long, the Cheater was the guy I lost my virginity too. He's the first guy I really every trusted 100 percent. So of course when I found out he had been sleeping with the whore for over three months(and no, normally I wouldn't place any blame on the girl, but seeing as she knew about me the whole time... she's a whore.) and had started sleeping with her before I lost my virginity to him - well, lets just say I still have my issues with him to this day.
I have some amazing people in my life. I have a guy best friend, who I have grown up with, we'll call him Ace, and he's someone I can talk to about anything. He really is great. But no, we've never hooked up, and I have absolutely no desire to hook up with him. My girl best friend is someone I've been best friends with since elementary school, and let me tell you, when you are a military brat, that is no easy feat. We will call her S. S is another person I tell everything too. She is an amazing girl. And boy she has been through the ringer. For those of you who follow me on twitter (@_singlegirlswag) you have heard a little about her. Less that two months ago her best guy friend died. And then less than a week ago, her boyfriend, bless his heart, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, a type of blood cancer. She is absolutely terrified, but is having to be strong for her boyfriend as he goes through this. I'm hoping to be on a trip up to see her next week. She needs the support. My college friends are great, but my closest friend is one of my teammates, J. She's in Spain right now, and I miss her tons.
Alrighty. Now for the current summer fling prospects. I'll start with the one that is least likely to happen. We'll call him Baseball Boy. He is one of the pitchers for my local baseball team - and how he contacted me is definitely out of the norm. I took my youngest brother, E, to a game a few weeks ago, and tweeted from my personal saying how much the kids were enjoying the Little League day the team was putting on. I then followed a few of the guys on the team that I noticed playing. Now, let me tell you, I am an avid sports fan, ask me anything about football, basketball, hockey, and I gotchya... but Baseball? No. I know nothing. It's ridiculous. But never the less, the next day, I had a tweet from Baseball Boy, asking if we had had fun at the game the night before. We exchanged a few tweets, before he DM'ed me, and we chatted for quite a while. Now let me tell you, this guy is cuuuute. Like, really cute. Dark hair, dark eyes, tall, etc. But after we had been DM'ing for quite some time he goes "Is this DM'ing a little weird for you?" and I responded that it was a little weird, but no big deal, thinking that he was using this as a way to get my phone number. But in response he said. Okay then, have a good day! and I was like, oh holy awkward. And just said, alrighty, you too! Thinking that would be that. But no! he came back and kept chatting, saying that he simply didn't want it to be weird. Well, after a few more messages I didn't hear from him for a few days, and then got another DM later that week while he was on a road trip to some more game, but the convo dropped off after he got to his hotel. That was over a week ago. Well I tweeted at the entire team's twitter asking if there was a game that day a while ago, and he responded to that. But other than that I haven't really heard from him. I was going to go to a game tonight, but looking outside, I doubt that it'll happen with the weather. So, like I said, interesting, but definitely not probable for a summer fling.
The next prospect is a Marine I met out on the beach. We'll call him Beach Boy. I had brought E to the beach, about three weeks ago, on a Saturday before work, and when we went out into the water, Beach Boy and two of his friends started playing football with E. Now, quickest way to make friends with me is to play with E, proven fact. Beach Boy and I talked for a while, and he was super nice, but we didn't exchange numbers or anything. This past Saturday I went to the beach by myself, settled down with my MCAT study book, and was studying away, when suddenly Beach Boy plopped down next to me in the sand. We chatted about the MCAT, and what he does for a living, and all that for over 30 minutes. He informed me that he was very impressed with my work ethic, and how goal oriented I was, etc. etc. But after about 45 minutes he went back into the water to hang out with his friends, and my Mom and middle brother, M, arrived. They were there only a few minutes before I left to go home to shower and get ready for dinner with Mom, M, and E. As I left, Beach Boy jogged after me, and asked for my number - which I gave to him. The next day I headed out to the beach with M, and waited for my mom, E, and my aunt and uncle. They were only there with me for about 45 minutes before I had to leave to get ready for work, but I didn't ever see Beach Boy. Well, I found out yesterday that Beach Boy and his friends found E, and played with him for quite a while, and M said that Beach Boy was looking around (M assumed for me) for most of the time. But, he has my number, and unless he typed it in wrong, he hasn't tried to contact me yet. So his loss!
My most interesting (in my mind) prospect is Pilot Boy. He also is military, and in pilot school. I met him while I was cocktailing late night Friday night. And boy was he gorrrrgeousss. Like, we made eyes at each other before he finally stopped me and told me he swore he knew me from somewhere. But he couldn't remember where. And he was sober. And we talked all night on and off, while I took breaks from working. And as he was leaving he asked for my number, which I obviously gave to him. Let me reiterate something - seriously one of the best looking men I have ever seen. Tall, good bone structure, muscly, big brown eyes, dark hair, tan, well dressed, etc. Well, I had a text waiting from him when I woke up the next morning saying he had figured out where he knew me from. Turns out he had carried me down the stairs when I was absolutely wasted over spring break. I think I literally facepalmed myself when I read that. Like, wow, GREAT first impression. Ugh. But he doesn't seem to mind. In his words "we got that side of you out of the way early". He's super sick right now with strep, but said to text him later this week. And I'm thinking I just might.
Other prospects are various guys I work with. And I'm not gunna go into detail with them. But if anything important happens I will bring them up later. And since I think this has become long enough, I'll go ahead and stop here. Hope everyone is having a great week, and make sure you guys stay safe from the Zombies! :)